Bug: Screen Time (iOS 18 Developer Beta 1)


So I obviously downloaded the dev beta the second I could, and I didn’t notice any bugs. Except after the first reboot, the new Screen Time settings UI is replaced by the old one (see video below). This also has an effect on Remote Screen Time Management somehow, making any change (Downtime, App limit, etc) from the guardian’s device over the internet (as in not directly on the managed phone) not take effect at all. Rebooting does nothing, connecting to wifi does nothing, everything. I reported this to the Feedback Assistant so hopefully they catch wind of this soon.

Anyone else experiencing this bug or does anyone have a workaround? Reply if so.

Thanks, Mr. Sharky

I'm getting an error when i try to open Screen Time. It keeps crashing and wont let me do anything after that.


Same here, ios 18 DB1 screen time keeps crashing


Make sure to file a bug for that. On my device it works fine, so make sure to include a sysdiagnose.

I can't check how much screen time I've used, because it asks for the passcode just to see how much i've used, on widgets it says enable web & app activity in settings. I don't know the passcode because my parents have set it up, but right now all my limits are gone

Mine keeps crashing when trying to open Screen time


Did Anyone come up with a workaround? i too experience crashes on screen time settings, also cant get screen time in an app to go away once a limit has Been reached …


I m facing problem jn ios18 when i m opening screen time its crash … please let me khnw waat is the sollutiln of it

Our engineering teams need to investigate this issue, as resolution may involve changes to Apple's software. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could open a bug report, include a sysdiagnose and test project, and post the FB number here once you do.

Bug Reporting: How and Why? has tips on creating your bug report.

I was having the same problem. Did a quick force restart on my phone and it went away + solved some other bugs too.

im facing the exact same issue... sometimes i cant see how much i have used even through the widgets i cant see how much i have used and sometimes it goes back to the previous UI

I can’t even open screen time settings. There is no way to downgrade to stable ios version either. What do we do now? Switch to android ?

The screen time keep crushing. now I can’t ignore my limit on accessing some apps.

Same here, as this screen time is crashing constantly when I try to access it from settings. I even registered a FB13889619 with all the crash log and sysdiag, and got no single response from apple whatsoever.

My iPhone get this bug, even worse, it blocked all of my apps and I didn't even set any time limit. Now I can't use any of my app, the buttons to remind later or ignore doesn't work. What should I do to use my iPhone?

“I’ve found that manually changing the date in the date and time settings will temporarily fix the issue”

this op can temp overpass the issues

Same issue I experience. I found no solutions to it. I took a backup on my Mac then did the reset & erase the phone and then restored the backup from my Mac again. Now its working fine.

I have the same issue before update whenever i have reached my limit i used to enter my password and approve of the time I need the app running but now if I do so as soon as I close the app the it Shows me that if reached my limit and it affects a lot because in screen limit I can’t get notifications form the app and if removed the limit on settings but still it has it limit pls fix this asap.

Im having the same issue. Im locked out of some of my apps due to screen time and whenever I open Screen Time in settings it crashes.

Yup, same issue here. As long as we all report it, it will help bring it to the forefront.

Same issue here. It’s the worst bug that I could have on my iPhone, because my Banks Account are being blocked by Screen Time and I can‘t use them. Please, fix this ASAP.

my screen time doesn’t open and my screen time code doesn’t work,, so I can’t open any bank accounts and do any transactions. hope solve this soon…

I have the same issue, it is also blocking my Apple Watch usage

Facing the same issue since last 3 days.. no resolution yet.. the apps i have restri by screen time are not working as they wont let me log in into those apps and screen time sett keep getting crashed when i try to get into that.

Hi there, I had the same bug, today, and the only workaround I found is to factory reset the iPhone :

But if we run the hard reset, we will lost all configurations…. And some configurations will be lost, as all codes within Google Autheticator

Bug: Screen Time (iOS 18 Developer Beta 1)