How to delete an APP Intent without update the app

APP Intent is generated through the "Extract app intents metadata" swift compiled step, thus make it difficult to delete. Is there any API can delete an APP Intent at runtime instead of wait for the version release ?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 790167022

The extraction step you see in the build log is an important part of the data the system needs, and the output of that build step is included as part of your app bundle that goes to the App Store, so it's not possible to modify this data at runtime.

Further, you should consider the customers who are using your intents. Even if you were to remove an intent in an app update, that is a poor experience for anyone who may have integrated that intent into a larger shortcut in the Shortcuts app. Instead of removing an intent, you should mark it as deprecated with the DeprecatedAppIntent so the user has time to migrate to its replacement. There's also a replacedBy property to aid the customer in the migration.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

The extraction step you see in the build log is an important part of the data the system needs, and the output of that build step is included as part of your app bundle that goes to the App Store, so it's not possible to modify this data at runtime.

Further, you should consider the customers who are using your intents. Even if you were to remove an intent in an app update, that is a poor experience for anyone who may have integrated that intent into a larger shortcut in the Shortcuts app. Instead of removing an intent, you should mark it as deprecated with the DeprecatedAppIntent so the user has time to migrate to its replacement. There's also a replacedBy property to aid the customer in the migration.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

How to delete an APP Intent without update the app