Trader status and app updates

Hi. I am a indie/hobby developer that has a "for purchase" app in the App store and from what I can tell from the legalese that makes me a trader.

I plan to simply de-list from the EU market, because I don't want my personal information displayed, and I don't make enough money off the app to warrant setting up a LLC, or PO box etc.

Will customers in the EU who have ALREADY purchased my app prior to de-listing still receive any updates I make to the App or are they gonna be SOL?

Hello, thanks for posting your question.

If you remove an app for sale in a specific country or region the users that have previously downloaded the application from that country or region will no longer receive updates that have been published after the app has been removed. They will be able to continue to download the last available version from their download history.

If you have additional questions around your app’s availability please contact us.

Trader status and app updates