Failed to create public DB CloudKit subscription in production

I'm attempting to save a CKQuerySubscription in production, in the public database, but I'm seeing the following error:

Failed to create CloudKit subscription for Encounter: <CKError 0x3038f66a0: "Invalid Arguments" (12/2006); server message = "attempting to create a subscription in a production container"; op = 093C69242BCC1B0A; uuid = D6E49665-6B8A-4F16-BBD8-B188A4E71F70; container ID = "">

This is the query’s predicate: NSPredicate(format: "users CONTAINS %@", user.recordID), and the same subscription works perfectly fine in the development CloudKit environment. I have a queryable index on the users field in both environments. Also, I have saved a TRUEPREDICATE CKQuerySubscription in production, and that works perfectly. Does anyone know what I could be missing here?

Answered by outcoldman in 789862022

Recently had the same issue. [1]

It is very counterintuitive, but try to deploy the schema changes from Development to Production in CloudKit. It will show there are 0 changes, but still Deploy.

It seems like the subscriptions do actually have some kind of schemas, that is not present in the Web UI.

Accepted Answer

Recently had the same issue. [1]

It is very counterintuitive, but try to deploy the schema changes from Development to Production in CloudKit. It will show there are 0 changes, but still Deploy.

It seems like the subscriptions do actually have some kind of schemas, that is not present in the Web UI.

Failed to create public DB CloudKit subscription in production