App Suddenly Disappeared from Apple Store Connect

Our app, which is still available on the App Store, has suddenly disappeared entirely from Apple Store Connect. Although it can still be found on the App Store, we are unable to locate it in Apple Store Connect for management.

Just a few days ago, it was successfully submitted for review, and its status was Pending Developer Release. However, today when we were preparing to release it, we logged into Apple Store Connect and found that the app had completely disappeared and couldn't be found even in the Removed Apps section.

Our App Store Link

Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 789743022

Hello, thank you for these reports. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues with your apps not being visible in App Store Connect, please contact us.

Same here, but our app is back on AppStore Connect.

It was not only a UI problem in AppStore Connect as we could not push new builds anymore as well.

We have the same problem. Trying to add the app to the store again is not possible, as the bundle id is not offered among the available bundle ids. Of course we have the bundle id registered in the developer.

Same problem. One of our apps just disappeared from the AppStore Connect.

It seems that the issue is resolved from Apple. Our app is back and we can push builds.

We have the same issue since today. We can‘t upload new builds because the apps are missing. Any ideas why this is happening?

Accepted Answer

Hello, thank you for these reports. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues with your apps not being visible in App Store Connect, please contact us.

App Suddenly Disappeared from Apple Store Connect