Can't seem to Invoke App Clip

Hello, I recently created an App Clip experience & believe to have connected my associated domains correctly as well as the Apple Site Association but can't seem to Invoke it.

I am using Firebase as my backend and the domains that should invoke are:

I have the following for my associated domains: Main App:

App Clip:

If I have the main application installed & I see the banner on my website letting me open the main app.

If the main app is not installed I do not see the banner for the app clip.

Here is my apple association file:

  "applinks": {
    "apps": [],
    "details": [
        "appIDs": [""],
        "components": [
            "/": "/event/*",
            "comment": "Matches any URL path starting with /event/ for the main app"
  "appclips": {
    "apps": [

I also setup the appclip in app store connect & when trying to access the default link for the app clip I get 'App Clip Not Available'

Let me know if I am missing something, the associated domains are included in the capabilities.

I can't get it to work locally either, I have setup local experience with matching bundle and urls & have put invocation url in my scheme for the app clip. I have a feeling it's something simple. Any help would be much appreciated.

Answered by taglocklar in 789414022

I figured out why I couldn't test this locally,

I was missing this tag on my index.html file...

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=123456, app-clip-bundle-id=bundle.identifier.Clip, app-clip-display=card">
Accepted Answer

I figured out why I couldn't test this locally,

I was missing this tag on my index.html file...

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=123456, app-clip-bundle-id=bundle.identifier.Clip, app-clip-display=card">
Can't seem to Invoke App Clip