Are Privacy Nutrition Labels in App Store Connect automatically updated based on Privacy Manifest files in the app and third-party SDKs?


I include a Privacy Manifest file in my app and specify one Privacy Nutrition Label Type (Email Address, for marketing purposes). My app uses some third-party SDKs like RevenueCat that contain Privacy Manifest files with nutrition label types specified (Purchases History for RevenueCat for example).

Xcode can generate a report that aggregates all the data types that are collected by the app.

But is App Store Connect updated when I upload a build? Or do I have to manually setup the App Privacy info?


So far, you need too manually setup the App Privacy Info. The report that Xcode builds is a tool to help you fill out the App Privacy Info, but it is still manual for the app developer.

It is possible that some features of an SDK might collect information only if enabled, but the app does not enable the feature. Perhaps this is why Apple does not yet try to automatically fill out the information from the manifests (which could be useful.)

You might wish to keep the privacy PDF report for the previous version of your app so you can compare it to the PDF for the next app version.

Are Privacy Nutrition Labels in App Store Connect automatically updated based on Privacy Manifest files in the app and third-party SDKs?