We currently have an Enterprise Developer account and find it a challenge to manage devices, profiles, and so on in an automated fashion.
I am curious to understand if an API interface, similar to App Store Connect API is available - for Enterprise. There is no option in the Enterprise 'Users and Access' tab to manage or create API keys, like there is in a regular Apple Developer Account. An API would greatly simplify much of our processes.
We currently use Fastlane Spaceship to manage automated/scripted tasks around this, like adding new devices, adding devices to profiles, and so on.
We manage in the order of 70 provisioning profiles, so, it may be appreciated that adding even one device to that many profiles is not something you want do manually via the web interface - you script it - so we use Fastlane.
The issue is that Fastlane Spaceship uses a 'workround' that basically emulates a user web session, and so requires re-authentication when user session expires, and also requires re-authentication by 2FA when AppleID session expires each month.
This is no good for scripted automation on a server, as user interaction is then required.
So, I guess this is a request, or an insight as to whether or not API functionality, via API keys is coming soon to Enterprise, or never coming, or if there is some other mechanism we can use - or do we just stick with fastlane?
We have looked at Custom Apps, but don't think that fits our needs, as the apps we build hit internal test systems, which are not publicly accessible, and so not available for App Store review teams, as our understanding is that Custom apps must still pass App Store review and TestFlight review.