Using in-app purchase in App Clips

Is it possible to initiate an iap flow from App Clips?

There's not a clear answer to this in the docs. StoreKit is NOT listed as an unapproved framework for App Clips, but in-app purchases ARE listed as "not recommended" for App Clip functionality.

I tried setting up a test with a StoreKit config file on the App Clip in XCode and the products weren't returned but... storekit testing... it would be great to get confirmation on this functionality after the iOS 17 updates.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 788669022

In-app purchase isn't supported in App Clips. You should reserve this functionality for your full app as recommended in Reserve certain functionality for your full app.

Accepted Answer

In-app purchase isn't supported in App Clips. You should reserve this functionality for your full app as recommended in Reserve certain functionality for your full app.

Using in-app purchase in App Clips