Turned off iCloud Drive and ALL DATA LOSS - pls. HELP!

I unintentionally turned off iCloud Drive on iPhone.

iCloud deleted all my Desktop and Documents files

Then sync deleted all my Documents files from all other devices

iCloud.com website shows an empty folder.

I don’t have any files in the restorable section.

I don’t see any iCloud Archive folder created anywhere on my devices to restore.

The total amount of information stored was quite large, over 25 GB.

I turned back on the iCloud Drive feature, but no data shows up.

I have paid extended storage capacity. There is no way that with the push of a button, data that was stored on iCloud servers would be lost.

Nothing they say seems to help.

Can someone please advise - How to recover data?

Turned off iCloud Drive and ALL DATA LOSS - pls. HELP!