VisionOS: Simultaneous Drag & Rotate gestures

I have been trying to replicate the entity transform functionality present in the magnificent app Museum That Never Was ( -- it allows you to simultaneously rotate, magnify and translate the entity, using gestures with both hands (as opposed to normal DragGesture() which is a one-handed gesture). I am able to rotate & magnify simultaneously but translating via drag does not activate while doing two-handed gestures. Any ideas? My setup is something like so:


    var drag: some Gesture {
            .targetedToEntity(where: QueryPredicate<Entity>.has(MyComponent.self))
            .onChanged { value in
                gestureTranslation = value.convert(value.translation3D, from: .local, to: .scene)
            .onEnded { value in
                itemTranslation += gestureTranslation
                gestureTranslation = .init()
    var rotate: some Gesture {
            .targetedToEntity(where: QueryPredicate<Entity>.has(MyComponent.self))
            .onChanged { value in
                gestureRotation = simd_quatf(value.rotation.quaternion).inverse
            .onEnded { value in
                itemRotation = gestureRotation * itemRotation
                gestureRotation = .identity
    var magnify: some Gesture {
            .targetedToEntity(where: QueryPredicate<Entity>.has(MyComponent.self))
            .onChanged { value in
                gestureScale = Float(value.magnification)
            .onEnded { value in
                itemScale *= gestureScale
                gestureScale = 1.0

RealityView modifiiers:


RealityView update block:

                entity.position = itemTranslation + gestureTranslation + exhibitDefaultPosition
                entity.orientation = gestureRotation * itemRotation
                entity.scaleAll(itemScale * gestureScale)