'init(make:update:attachments:)' is unavailable in visionOS

Im trying to use a RealityView with attachments and this error is being thowen. Am i using the RealityView wrong? I've seen other people use a RealityView with Attachments in visionOS... Please let this be a bug...

RealityView { content, attachments in
            contentEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: .generatePlane(width: 0.3, height: 0.5))
        } attachments: {
        }.task {
            await loadImage()
            await runSession()
            await processImageTrackingUpdates()

You need to add the update parameter & closure also.

You can see all available RealityView initializers in the documentation here:

You can also explore the visionOS samples, which also utilize attachments:

init<A>(make: (inout RealityViewContent, RealityViewAttachments) async -> Void, update: ((inout RealityViewContent, RealityViewAttachments) -> Void)?, attachments: () -> A)

init<A, P>(make: (inout RealityViewContent, RealityViewAttachments) async -> Void, update: ((inout RealityViewContent, RealityViewAttachments) -> Void)?, placeholder: () -> P, attachments: () -> A)
'init(make:update:attachments:)' is unavailable in visionOS