Due to Bluetooth i can't simulate my apps workflows - so how do i get the screen shots ?

I'm trying to release my first app on the app store. It's an app that connects to an Internet of Things device over bluetooth. As such, I am unable to simulate the device to showcase the workflows. The only device I have access to is an iphone 15 pro.

I received the feedback on my app submission:

The 6.7-inch iPhone and 5.5-inch iPhone screenshots do not show the actual app in use in the majority of the screenshots. Upload new screenshots that accurately reflect the app in use on each of the supported devices.

How can i get these screenshots ? Do i seriously have to buy these devices ?

TIA, Ringo

Do you need to buy the devices? No. Do you need to provide the screenshots? Yes. I'd look into XCTest and create UI tests that replicate the workflow with the IOT device. If you've structured your views to accept data not hard-coded to the Bluetooth device via CoreBluetooth, you should easily be able to get the screens you need.

Have you looked at this, for screenshot generation ? https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/IOS-CoreBluetooth-Mock

Your choices include

  1. Buy more devices. Cheap ones from eBay, even with broken screens, are OK for screenshot generation.

  2. Borrow devices from friends.

  3. Fake the bluetooth communication so you can use the simulator (e.g. as Claude31 suggests).

  4. Fake the screenshots, by scaling the ones that you already have to the required sizes.

Due to Bluetooth i can't simulate my apps workflows - so how do i get the screen shots ?