xcrun: error: missing DEVELOPER_DIR path: /Applications/Xcode14.app/Contents/Developer

Hello all,

If anyone can offer any advice on how to fix this I'd really appreciate it.

I recently changed over to from Unreal Engine 4.26 to 5.3, Xcode 13 to 15 and Wwise 2021 to 2023 for my audio plugin development. Previously I haven't encountered the problems I outline below and I managed to successfully build many plugins.

**The Problem **
When I run my command (python "/Applications/Audiokinetic/Wwise 2023.1.2.8444/Scripts/Build/Plugins/wp.py" build Mac -c Release -x arm64), which worked before I updated from Xcode 13 to 15, I get the following error: "xcrun: error: missing DEVELOPER_DIR path: /Applications/Xcode14.app/Contents/Developer"

I've done some google-fu around the problem, but alot of things I've done aren't working. Under Xcode/settings/locations/command line tools there is already a selection (Xcode 15.3 (15E204a)).

I have installed updated CLTs at terminal using: "xcode-select --install" and I've made sure to use Settings/Software Update in order to make sure it's up to date.

Then I attempted to run the following command as root to set my command line tools to the another location: "sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developers"

When I do this it runs, but still gives the same error as originally, so I think the issue is the missing 14 from Xcode14.app because if I run: ** "sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode14.app/Contents/Developers"**

Then it tells me that I'm trying to set an invalid directory.

My actual path to the location of the files is "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developers" which is why I think the 14 is the issue. My command line tools in xcode are Xcode 15.3 (15E204a).

Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this is an issue? Do I need to install a different version of the command line tools?

Please and thanks in advance!


The path to the developer directory is /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer, not ...Developers. (no 's' on the end). You do need to point at an existing directory. If you are using Xcode 14, and you renamed it Xcode14, your command should be

xcode-select --select /Applications/Xcode14.app/Contents/Developer

When you install command line tools, they are installed into the currently-selected Xcode. You are saying "my command line tools in Xcode are Xcode 15.3". Which Xcode do you want to use? You said you switched from Xcode 13 to Xcode 15, but you're using Xcode 14 - which is it?

You can use multiple Xcode versions on one machine, but you have to be careful about running multiple xcodebuild commands at the same time if you want to target different tools, because the xcode-select command is system-wide. If you launch Xcode from Finder, you'll use the one you launch, you don't need to set anything. If you run xcodebuild at the command line, it will use the selected Xcode, which by default is the one in /Applications/Xcode. I usually make sure that the Xcode I use on a daily basis is actually called "Xcode", and any beta or previous versions I have lying around have a different name.

It sounds like your build script is specifically looking for an app called "Xcode14". Maybe whoever wrote it named their Xcode "Xcode14". That's fine, but then you have to do the same thing (which is pretty strange if you're actually using Xcode 15), or change the build script. I know what I'd do...

Hi ssmith_c,

Thanks for the reply. Sorry for my slow reply I didn't see your message until today.

Good catch on the typo, I tried to run "sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer" without the s but still got the same error as when I ran it with the s: zsh: no such file or directory: sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer. I also tried changing the path to be Xcode14.app but the same error again.

Sorry for the version confusion, let me explain better. My version of Xcode is 15.3, and I upgraded from 13. But when I run my command (python "/Applications/Audiokinetic/Wwise 2023.1.2.8444/Scripts/Build/Plugins/wp.py" build Mac -c Release -x arm64) -- which previously worked with Xcode 13 -- it gives me the following error: "xcrun: error: missing DEVELOPER_DIR path: /Applications/Xcode14.app/Contents/Developer".

So, my mac is telling me that the developer path for Xcode14.app is not set, but I'm not using 14 which is why I'm confused. I tried uninstalling Xcode over the weekend, and reinstalling to see if when I upgraded it caused an issue, but I'm still getting the same error.

For more information and context: My Xcode path is: /Applications/Xcode.app

I tried running your suggested code for a non-Xcode14 path. It said --select wasn't correct so I changed to switch, and ran it as root "sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer" and it ran fine, but it hasn't fixed the issue.

I'm relatively new to C++ compared to interpreted languages though, so any advice is appreciated.

Thanks for your time, All the best!