What (exactly) to do with Privacy Manifest Report

Once I have the PDF generated by xcode:

  1. what exactly should I be doing with it?.
  2. Is there a place in Apple Connect where I should be uploading it?.
  3. If there's a place to upload it, will this mean that privacy manifest for our app will be updated by using this PDF?
  4. Do you have some documentation I can reference to where I can see the process of uploading this PDF? (not the process of how to create the xcprivacy file or how to add it to xcode nor all the properties that go in the plist file.)

It's only a reference for filling nutrition labels when you update/upload the app inside the App Store Connect. But It will be great @eskimo @meaton if we can include the nutrition labels inside our app with a predefined format. I mean for enforcing privacy user knowledge. We are a privacy-first Company and I know more people want to include the info also in their web and app, we want to clarify these aspects, and using something corroborated by Apple, makes users trust in.

What (exactly) to do with Privacy Manifest Report