Connection between isInBillingRetryPeriod and gracePeriodExpiresDate

Hi. We have recently switched to server notification V2. Based on this documentation (notificationType):

If the subtype is GRACE_PERIOD, continue to provide service through the grace period. If the subtype is empty, the subscription isn’t in a grace period and you can stop providing the subscription service.

Also, base on another documentation (StoreKit):

Throughout the billing grace period, the value of isInBillingRetry is true, which indicates that Apple is attempting to automatically renew the subscription.

Now, I'm receiving DID_FAIL_TO_RENEW server notification with GRACE_PERIOD subtype where gracePeriodExpiresDate is in the future, but isInBillingRetryPeriod is false (additional note: user has been in trial period and now must be charged as trial has ended).

The question is: Is this situation a valid Grace Period even if user is not in billing retry period? And if yes, please elaborate why this is the case.

Thank you!

Answered by seinshah_t in 796385022

After exchanging messages with Apple team, the issue is resolved now and we don't see any occurrence of this error.

As another reference, there is a documentation in version 1 of server notification

Implement a grace period to improve recovery, if the value is “1” and the expires_date is in the past. A grace period is free or limited subscription access while a subscriber is in a billing retry state.

Grace period is an optional subset of the billing retry period. So we can investigate this potential bug, please file a feedback ticket and post the FB number here. Include as much information as you can, including the full signed notification body.

Accepted Answer

After exchanging messages with Apple team, the issue is resolved now and we don't see any occurrence of this error.

Connection between isInBillingRetryPeriod and gracePeriodExpiresDate