Access persona on VisionOS

I am planning to build a VisionOS app and need to get access to the persona (avatar). I have not found any information regarding integration possibilities in the docs. Does anyone know if and how I can access the user's persona?

Other applications like Zoom and Teams for VisionOS use the persona, so I think it is basically possible. Apparently (if it's not fake) there is also a chess game with integrated persona:

Any help is very welcome, thanks.

SharePlay might be what you are looking for. Checkout e.g. this WWDC session on "Build spatial SharePlay experiences":

Here is the relevant docs on the Group Activities framework:

Can we access a spatial persona in application's view without using SharePlay or group activity like any other 3d Avatar?

If you want to access Persona without using SharePlay or Group Activity, use AVFoundation.

  1. Get Front Camera Capture Device using AVCaptureDeviceDiscoverySession. Front Camera Capture Device will present Persona. Enterprise API is not required.

  2. Configure AVCaptureSession with Front Camera Capture Device and AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.

  3. Get Sample Buffers from AVCaptureVideoDataOutput. Render it using Metal (CAMetalLayer or Compositor Services), or UIImageView (easy, but not recommended).

Access persona on VisionOS