Prepared archive for validation Validation failed
- error: Asset validation failed
Missing Bundle Identifier. The application bundle contains a tool or framework [aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.pkg/Payload/] that is missing the bundle identifier in its Info.plist file. (ID: 8d117580-6d15-4b9e-8a0c-3bd069c66c77)
- error: Asset validation failed
Bad Bundle Executable. You must include a valid CFBundleExecutable key in the nested bundle [aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.pkg/Payload/] property list file. (ID: 62894f06-c782-4d67-85df-91912d1b6609)
Abc.framwork is a pre-built lib used in swift. I put following keys in Abc.xcframework's Info.plist, but no effect.