It appears that I was wrong and the restricted file lies in /Users/user/Library/Autosave Information/
according to fs_usage,
/Users/user/Library/Autosave Information/com.myComp.myApp.plist
this file is probably copy of our app preferences file which have the same name
/Users/user /Library/Preferences/com.myComp.myApp.plist
but it looks like nothing is being written to that file, It just attempt to read this non-existent replica in Autosave folder and that what trigger the permission popup.
I've tried to disable access to Autosave using the following command but it didn't work...
defaults write com.myComp.myApp ApplePersistence -bool no
i remove all known contents from my application and it still attempt to access this file in the folder. Any idea how i can avoid reading this file ?