App store server API request to get a user's Auto-renewel-sub and non-consumable purchases in one request.

I have an app in which there are two different subscription groups and One non-consumable product. User can have two(2) subscriptions and one non-consumable purchase [total three purchases] at a time. All three have different "originalTransactionIdentifier".

How can i get user's purchase History in ONE App store server API request?

We recommend the Get Transaction History endpoint. Note that all of the filters are optional, so by default this will return the user’s entire history, and you can then store the revision to look for any updates in the future.

Get Transaction History endpoint :{transactionId} , has a required must parameter "{transactionId/originalTransactionIdentifier}'. But if One user have three(3) different purchases two(2) subscriptions and one non-consumable purchase [total three purchases] at a time. All three will have different "originalTransactionIdentifier".

Then Get Transaction History endpoint will have to call for THREE(3) times with each originalTransactionIdentifier separately? To get purchase history of one user.

App store server API request to get a user's Auto-renewel-sub and non-consumable purchases in one request.