help me, what's the reason of crash of my app?

My App, WPuzzle, rejected by Apple Review Team. The reason given is very unclear, “We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch.”

I can't find the actual reason of crashing by reading the crash logs. I have read many documents and blog, however, I don't understand the detailed information in crash logs.

Moreover, there is no crash or error when I test my app on my iPad and iPhone simulators.

Please help me.

You've asked us to help you determine why your app has crashed but you've given us no information at all. How do you think we might help you with zero information?!

"My car is broken. Fix it."

Ask the App Review team for the crash log, and you should be able to see why it crashed.

Hi, darkpaw, Please to read my second post released yesterday, where the links for crash logs were given.

also you can find here

help me, what's the reason of crash of my app?