17.4 b1 not calling or ignoring delegate - (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)supportedInterfaceOrientations

Is anyone having 'oddness' with ios 17.4 b1 either not calling delegate - (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)supportedInterfaceOrientations or simply ignoring it.

For example apps that are locked in portrait (but do have to support rotation at different parts of the app) seem to be freely be able to rotate even on places it shoudnt. Im freely allowed to rotate the youtube app for example in landscape, at the main screen, not just on the video player. Im seeing this in other apps to that are locked portrait. But if you kill the app, and restart the app then it will not rotate. something funky was changed or a bug.

ive never seen this before in ios 17.0 - 17.3