How to Archive iOS and VisionOS App

I have an app with destinations for both visionOS and iOS. I created a new platform for my app in App Store Connect for visionOS. Then I selected "Any VisionOS Device (Designed for iPad, arm64)" for my destination in Xcode and archived it. The first red flag that I saw was when it finished archiving, the archive listed in the organizer window read "iOS App Archive." Then after I uploaded the build to App Store Connect and it finished processing, it did not appear in the builds section for the visionOS App, but it did appear in the iOS app section. I tried quitting Xcode and cleaning the build folder, but it still shows up as an iOS App Archive.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Thanks.

Hello, this is indeed a bug. See below:

When the Base SDK Build Setting is set to iOS, the “Any visionOS Device” run destination will incorrectly display as “Any visionOS Device (Designed for iPad)” and will build using the iOS SDK. (112633577) (FB12695059)

Workaround: Change the Base SDK Build Setting to visionOS to use the “Any visionOS Device” run destination (FB12695059)

Xcode 15.2 Release Notes

How to Archive iOS and VisionOS App