watchOS Ad Hoc distribution not installing

As I don't own an Apple Watch, I'm distributing this via an Ad Hoc URL for testing purposes with a few friends.

However, no-one has been able to install the app over the air.

  • The files (manifest, ipa, images, etc) are all hosted over HTTPS with valid certs.
  • Emails include a link with itms-services://?action=download-manifest&... etc
  • The user is presented with a "Install" prompt.
  • I can see 200 OK network requests for the manifest, ipa, and image files.

However, even though the ipa is downloaded correctly, the app fails to appear on the watch.

Any ideas? or how can I debug on an actual device?

I cannot use TestFlight, as the AppStore requires me to film a video of me using the app on an actual real watch (this is a bizarre requirement???)

watchOS Ad Hoc distribution not installing