iPhone 15 Pro Max not accessible after Update iOS 17.3 Beta 2

This evening iOS 17.3 Beta 2 is available for download and installing. After the Update my iPhone won't start anymore. Apple symbol is visible, after some seconds wait symbol flashes up 2-3 times and then disappears. Screen stays black and phone is not accessible anymore.

Same Problem here, iPhone 15 Pro

Same happen to my iPhone15 pro. Working on trying to get it booted up and running again.


same problem here with my iPhone 15 Pro. i saw fragments of a standing not spinning wheel, screen turns black and thats it. New startup -> after apple logo -> black screen

I'm having the same issue! First time this ever happened on an update...

same with my iphone..borked

Tried downloading the restore image and updating....no dice.

Me too. I went back and did a recovery (presumably to 17.2.x) and in order to restore my backup it updated to 17.3 Beta 2 and it all happened again.

Error Domain=com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore Code=4041 "Gave up waiting for device to transition from RestoreOS state to BootedOS state. " UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Gave up waiting for device to transition from RestoreOS state to BootedOS state. } :-(

14 Pro Max here, also bricked

So, I lucked out. I tried again, but had to walk away for a few hours, so I just left it on a charger. When I got back, I was finally back. I am thinking that there may be a resource on the backend that got overwhelmed, and after enough pinging, it finally managed to get the right signal from Apple.

iPhone 15 Pro Max not accessible after Update iOS 17.3 Beta 2