icalendar on a web browser has issues with all-day long events

When creating an all-day event in the iCloud Calendar web interface, the displayed end date appears as the next day. This is confusing and misleading for users as it does not accurately represent the event's 24-hour duration.


Users are unsure of the actual end time of the event, potentially causing schedule conflicts or missed reminders. The visual representation of the event is inaccurate and can be frustrating for users accustomed to standard time-based formats. Suggestion:

Display the full duration of the all-day event explicitly (e.g., "All-day, 24 hours") or adjust the end date representation to avoid confusion (e.g., "Ends on the same day").

As an example: This event is set as a all-day event for the 6th of February, as it shown in the details. In the calendar itself, the event is displayed for a timespan of two days.

icalendar on a web browser has issues with all-day long events