Any changes that have happened betwen iOS 16 and iOS 17 to cause an app on testflight to work fine on the former but not iOS 17?

Hi all,

First time poster.

Gone through the process of getting our app provisioned and signed, and automated it's deployment to the app store using azure devops pipelines.

But whilst my development device (iPhone 8, iOS 16.4.2) can download, install, and run the app fine (so can other users' with older ipads on older iOS), users with the latest iOS 17 (multiple different versions) crash on the first page.

We've checked entitlements, info plist, all appears fine, and as I say, works perfectly on iOS 16 and below, but not for iOS 17.

The app in question is created using Xamarin, it's first page is a login page to connect to a server.

The main error within console against the iOS device is:

sandbox: [AssemblyName]PID deny sysctl-read kern.bootargs

upon reading more into the console logs, the only other error is:

FBSceneManaher/[packagename]-default update failed: <NSError: 0x2807c58c0; domain: FBSceneErrorDomain; code: 1 ("operation-failed"); "Scene Update Failed">

Underlying error client process exited

We're using .net 7 to create this, and I'm genuinely confused as to why this works in previous iOS versions but not on 17

crash on the first page.

When it crashes, does it generate a crash report? If so, please post it here, using the instructions from Posting a Crash Report.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Any changes that have happened betwen iOS 16 and iOS 17 to cause an app on testflight to work fine on the former but not iOS 17?