App Store Server Library production test notifications fail.

We're able to successfully perform test notifications using the app-store-server-library-python in SANDBOX environment, but the second we switch to PRODUCTION (for testing purposes), the call fails with 401 and it doesn't seem to reach our server at all. This suggests that something is wrong with singing production environment headers, however I've seen posts from others that suggest this is not specific to the App Store server library code.

It's very clear that the libraries are marked Beta – however, most replies to questions about the v2 API are replied to with suggestions to use the library. Just FWIW – there's some contradictory advice there.

Anyway, the main point is that we're currently blocked on making sure that our v2 API hooks are working properly, since we can't send production test notifications.

Any idea why the signed requests would work to send sandbox test notifications, but not production environment? We've triple checked the URLs, etc – as far as we know, the private key should be the same regardless of environment.


(P.S. If anyone has been able to send v2 test notifications with the PRODUCTION environment, please let us know!)

Answered by ForumsContributor in
Accepted Answer

If your app does not have a production release, you will receive 401 from production endpoints. Once your app has been released, you will be able to use the production environment.

App Store Server Library production test notifications fail.