I want to find the "last Sunday of a month before the current date" in Swift, but using the Calendar nextDate function doesn't work (always returns nil).
var calendar: Calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
calendar.timeZone = .gmt
let lastSundayDateComponents: DateComponents = DateComponents(
weekday: 1,
weekdayOrdinal: -1
let previousLastSundayDate: Date? = calendar.nextDate(
after: Date.now,
matching: lastSundayDateComponents,
matchingPolicy: .nextTime,
repeatedTimePolicy: .first,
direction: .backward
print(previousLastSundayDate ?? "Not found") // "Not found"
If I use a positive weekdayOrdinal, it's working normally and the same nextDate method provides the correct date.
let firstSundayDateComponents: DateComponents = DateComponents(
weekday: 1,
weekdayOrdinal: 1
When I check if the date components can provide a valid date for the given calendar, it returns false...
let lastSundayInNovember2023DateComponents: DateComponents = DateComponents(
year: 2023,
month: 11,
weekday: 1,
weekdayOrdinal: -1
let isValid: Bool = lastSundayInNovember2023DateComponents.isValidDate(in: calendar)
print(isValid) // false
... even if the correct date can be created.
let lastSundayInNovember2023: Date = calendar.date(from: lastSundayInNovember2023DateComponents)!
print(lastSundayInNovember2023) // 2023-11-26 00:00:00 +0000
Is that a bug in Foundation?