Write in /System folder on macOS Sonoma


I know this is not a good practice but i want to make a test.

I would like to write a file into /System folder on macOS Sonoma.

I have tried to reboot in recovery mode. I have disabled SIP. But i can't write into /System. This folder is mounted as read only.

How can i write into this folder ?

I know there is a kind of checksum mechanism to check if something has been modified in /System folder and i want to see what happens if this checksum does not match.



Find somewhere else to write your data.

Here is an System Integrity Protection overview and some info about the read-only system volume, and here is an Apple video including info on the read-only system volume.

Why are these areas becoming more difficult to access? You're effectively writing what is indistinguishable from malware. Writing outside of the user and app-related areas is undoubtedly only going to get more difficult, too.

If you really do want to try this, maybe try this: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/649832

I don't have a macOS 14 Sonoma system available for this sort of hackery, so I'm not able to test those suggestions on Sonoma.

  • As I said I know this is not a good practice. I would like to know how I can do that on Sonoma... Thanks anyway

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