App works on iPad but not iPhone!

I have an app that's compatible with iOS 15. Works fine on an actual iPhone 6s device running iOS 15. Works fine on actual iPad device running iOS 17. Works fine on iPhone 13 mini simulator running iOS 17. Will not work properly on actual iPhone 13 mini device running iOS17!

It uses a UIViewRepresentable, Coordinator etc, to allow UIKit to be used in SwiftUI. If anyone has any ideas why might not working on the iPhone would be most grateful to hear!


You should define what not working means. The display content is laid out wrong, you get errors, crashes. Show the code that isn't working.

Thanks but too much code in the project to post! Fixed the problem. It seemed that a NavigationLink inside a NavigationView works on the iOS 17 simulator and worked on iPad running iOS 17, but not on a real device.

Fixed it by adding an if #available iOS conditional, then used a NavigationStack instead of NavigationView - bit messy but all good.

When I buy the offspring a new iPhone then I can drop the iOS 15 requirement.