Getting the error while trying to send build for review

Getting this error: Unable to Add for Review The items below are required to start the review process:

  • New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t allowed.

I'm using the last version Xcode 15.0.1 (not beta). Don't understand why the error occurs, maybe it's a bug from app store connect?

Same for me... Uploaded a build 6h ago and now its not working anymore with the same Xcode version.

Same problem for me. Xcode 15.0.1. Worked fine last week.

Same here

Same here

Same here

Yes I think it's a bug from Apple, so instead just upload your build with the previous version 15.0.0 and it will work ;).

same here, i just updated xcode yesterday

same here

Version 15.0.1 (15A507) from appStore same here

Same here

I face exactly the same issue

same here

The same here

Getting the error while trying to send build for review