Issues with "AR not supported in Simulator"

I am trying to implement Hand Tracking in a visionOS application I am developing. Initially, I encountered errors such as "Cannot find type 'ARAnchor' in scope." Upon investigation, I realized the error arose because "import ARKit" is required, which was already in the code.

Digging a bit deeper, I discovered that ARKit is not compatible with the simulator, or at least that's what I believe. My ultimate understanding is: "ARKit requires the specific hardware of an actual iOS device to operate, as it relies on features like the device's camera and motion sensors."

Having reached this point, I noticed in the "HappyBeam" application documentation for visionOS there was a function "#if !targetEnvironment(simulator)". Upon researching, it turns out that this compilation conditional is used so that the application can compile in the simulator (without ARKit functionality) and on a real device.

After applying "#if !targetEnvironment(simulator)" it allowed me to compile, but now when I run the application in Simulator, I receive a message on the main window stating: "AR not supported in Simulator."

My current question is: Can I simulate Hand Tracking in any way without using ARKit, or is it essential to run the application on a physical device?

And if Hand Tracking can be simulated in "Simulator", how is it done? I haven't been able to find a way to do it.

I also think it's a bummer that ARKit is not fully supported in the simulator. Especially since only a select handful of companies can get access to the actual device.

Issues with "AR not supported in Simulator"