need introductory offer to intentionally lapsed users?


I have a quick question. I'm working on IAP which offers new users free trial first month. I read Apple guide line and one question came up that should I offer to intentionally lapsed users as well?

Let's say an user is already subscribed and never used any other offers, noticed there is introductory offer, then the user cancels subscription and re-subscribe immediately, that way the user gets a free month subscription.

Apple's document doesn't mention about lapsed time to become eligible to introductory offer there seems we need to offer the user free month. Is it correct?


-- JK

Update: I tested it with sandbox user but it seems app store won't introductory offer to those users. Here is what I did:

  1. Create new sand box user with 3 min expiration
  2. Subscribe to IAP product which doesn't have any offer at this point
  3. Renew several period, 15 min or so, unsubscribe from product
  4. Create introductory offer with first free month
  5. Wait about 10 min
  6. At this point the user has both is_trial_period and is_in_intro_offer_period are false
  7. Subscribe then device shows regular price in system confirmation popup, no introductory offer

So I wonder it is either 1)Apple has some logic to prevent quick subscribe/unsubscribe manner or 2)this test is not enough time to reproduce lapsed period. Could anyone enlighten me please?

From Determine Eligibility:

Based on the receipt, you will find that new and returning customers are eligible for introductory offers, including free trials:
* New subscribers are always eligible.

* Lapsed subscribers who renew are eligible if they haven't previously used an introductory offer for the given product (or any product within the same subscription group).

Existing subscribers are not eligible for an introductory offer for any product within the same subscription group. For example, customers are not eligible if they are upgrading, downgrading, or crossgrading their subscription from another product, regardless of whether they consumed an introductory offer in the past.

Apple's document doesn't mention about lapsed time to become eligible to introductory offer there seems we need to offer the user free month.

See the diagram in the above paragraph that describes this case. Additionally, see Offer types for more details.

I know. I read that. Although there is no other product in same group, I cleared purchase history before test to make things clearer. I still don't get offer in purchase confirmation system popup with sandbox user. Very weird. Oh, BTW, I did unsubscribe from Settings>Appstore>Sandbox Account>Subscription is it the problem? Not sure...

need introductory offer to intentionally lapsed users?