Unable to create app store connect api key

I want to use revenuecat for making an app with purchasing function. But it required an app store connect api key , I follow the instructions, i use admin account and go to "Users and Access" --> "Keys " --> "generate app store connect api key" , but after clicking on submitting button , i just stuck at submitting , does it mean i have to wating for some time?

this is my screenshot

The same

Same for me. Been stuck here for 3 days now.

Same issue, stuck from 2 days.

If you see the network calls, below api throws error. https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/iris/v1/apiAccesses 500 (Internal Server Error)

Um Apple?

I'm new here with the same issue - do these reports usually take this long to be acknowledged/resolved?

Same error for me. Is anyone still able to generate api keys? I have had this issue for the past 3 days.

Wonder if Apple has noticed no App keys have been generated for a while...

Has anyone else logged a ticket in the feedback assistant?

I have the same issue for a few days now.

same here. i am also stuck at this.

Same problem for me

Facing the same issue for 2 days now. Is apple not monitoring their forums anymore?

same error after some days !!!!!! Where are Apple engineers???????????

Unable to create app store connect api key