new push notification sound on ios17 sucks

Hello Apple Developers,

I posted my comments 2 weeks ago and was hoping that with enough people making complaints, Apple developers will make a jump and change the push notification back ot allow users to customize it.

It seems like these Apple developers are either tone-deaf or simply do not care about Apple's future.

As a business owner, I can tell you that if you piss off enough Apple's die-hard, loyal users, Apple will go down in history like many other companies.

I am for one who has used Apple products for many years. I have decided that I will not upgrade or buy another Apple product ever.

I understand that Apple has difficult times with product innovation besides moving buttons here and there and call it "new design".

Push notification is not a new invention. It's been working and why fix/change things that worked.

Please fix the damn issue today so we can move on. It's not that complicated.

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new push notification sound on ios17 sucks