iPhone 15 (iOS17) Activation extension error (CallKit)


I have an application that blocks entry calls from commercial companies (using CallKit) and since the iPhone 15 release I have a lot of people that they have problems activating the extension in Settings - Phone - Block ID Calls (all people have an iPhone 15 with any version), I download Xcode15 and the last versions of iOS 17 (including betas) and in my iPhone14 Pro I can't reproduce this error, in the settings simulator, the option doesn't exist, I don't know what happened, and I can't find any information about this problem.

Has anyone had problems like this?

Thanks in advance.

What sort of problems are people having? If you have an error in what/how you are registering the numbers in the extension then that can manifest in users being able to initially turn on the extension in settings. If people have just downloaded your app for the first time then you presumably don't have content yet though?

You said you attempted to reproduce in the simulator.This feature doesn't exist in the simulator. Are you therefore saying you released this without fist testing on hardware?

The main problem is in settings on the iPhone (Settings - Phone - Block ID), the activation of application can't be turned on, and when the people with iPhone 15 tried to enable it show a message like "Error requesting data for <NameApp>. Try activating the extension again. If the problem persists, contact the app developer." and back to turn off." I tried to launch in the simulator because I don't have an iPhone 15 for tests, I test on my other real devices like the 11, SE and 14 Pro.

The application is about 1 year old and I never had problems. I compiled the app on to Xcode 15 and iOS17 and on my iPhone 14 Pro (iOS 17.1) works fine, but with a user (he contacted me with this problem, and I asked if I could add for a testing into testflight) of the app on the iPhone 15 the issues continue. I never had problems, the problems began with the release of the iPhone 15.

iPhone 15 (iOS17) Activation extension error (CallKit)