Unable to advertise app shortcuts

My goal is to have pre-made shortcuts with singular app intents, so my customers won't need to create their own shortcuts.

  • I am using the new AppIntents API, which became available last year.
  • I have 3 app intents, which are working as expected.
  • I am using AppShortcutsProvider to advertise my intense as Siri Shortcuts
  • I have updated my AppShortcutsProvider implementation
struct LibraryAppShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider {

    static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {

        let drink1 = AppShortcut(intent: LogFirstDrink(),
                               phrases: ["\(.applicationName) log first favourite"],
                               shortTitle: "Log 1st favourite",
                               systemImageName: "1.circle")

        let customDrink = AppShortcut(intent: LogLabelledDrink(),
                                      phrases: ["\(.applicationName) log any favourite"],
                                      shortTitle: "Log any favourite",
                                      systemImageName: "cup.and.saucer")

        let drink1CustomDate = AppShortcut(intent: LogFirstDrinkAtCustomDate(),
                                           phrases: ["\(.applicationName) log first favourite with date"],
                                           shortTitle: "Log 1st favourite",
                                           systemImageName: "1.square")

        return [drink1, drink1CustomDate, customDrink]

❌ I don't see my app shortcut in the "All Shortcuts" tab (AKA "Shortcuts), the first tab

❌ Sadly, I don't see my app in the beautiful iOS 17 "Suggestions From Your Apps" rectangular views either.

Here's an example from Drafts.

❌ I don't see my intents/shortcuts at Spotlight.

✅ I can create custom shortcuts and browse my intents through the "Add Action" flow.

Unable to advertise app shortcuts