PKPass bundle (.pkpasses) not working in IOS17

I am facing issues with .pkpasses bundle. Currently, I generate multiple .pkpass files, and store them in a zip as .pkpasses. Once I drag this ZIP into my IOS simulator or mail it to my iPhone, nothing happens.

These are the steps I followed (

  1. Create a .zip file containing the .pkpass files for the passes that are part of the bundle.
  2. Change the extension of the .zip file to .pkpasses.

I have uploaded my bundle.pkpass to Google Drive:

Is anybody facing similar problems? I am not sure if this is an IOS17 issue, because I haven't worked with .pkpasses files before.

.pkpasses should be supported only in Safari. Not sure if Safari Simulator owns such implementation. I think that's a whole different implementation (or extension) the one that have been done in Safari to support them. What happens if you try to open them from Safari on Simulator?

Test your pass by dropping it onto an iPhone simulator. When you test your pass in an iPhone simulator, errors are logged to the system log, which you can view with the Console app. If your pass doesn't appear or the system fails to add your pass to Wallet, check the log for a description of what went wrong. Launch the iPhone simulator that you wish to use, then navigate to the Console app to start streaming for this simulator. If the test fails, select the iPhone simulator that you used for testing in Console, then enter your pass type identifier in the search bar to find logs associated with your pass. See Common Problems for various reasons your pass may fail loading.

PKPass bundle (.pkpasses) not working in IOS17