iPhone 15 with iOS17 simulator unusable on Intel based iMac

XCode 15 automatically upgraded and brought along the iOS 17 simulators. At first it failed to download (the simulator), but I was able to resolve that issue.

It then took forever to unpack/register and initially load, only to crash in its internals (more than once "MobileCal" has been the crash)

I removed os17 and tried again, same problem. I've since gone back to the OS 16.4 simulator, runs fine (well runs as expected).

I've seen others note that intel based systems in particular have a problem, has anyone been able to get it working?

same problem here Apple pls fix :(

This seems not to be an iPhone 15. I experience same issues with other simulator devices. Xcode 15 + iOS 16.4 simulator shows similar issues. It is extremely slow, and does not react on any tap gesture.

I think this issue is affecting the GitHub Actions runners as well. The iOS 17 simulators are unusable now; it's a huge pain as it likely means downgrading our validation pipelines back to Xcode 14.

Not just intel macs, they are not incredibly slow on Apple Silicon however they are consuming an extraordinarily excessive amount of CPU while they run. Appears to be some internal process crashing in a loop causing diagnosticd to work really hard etc. The famed Apple Silicon battery life performance is quickly neutralized by leaving a Simulator running any longer than you have to.

Would love to see a fix for this as it's been a known issue through at least the second half of the Xcode 15 beta process

iPhone 15 with iOS17 simulator unusable on Intel based iMac