Journaling Suggestions API ETA?

hi there,

one of the features I'm most looking forward to as a developer and a user is the journaling app. I'm assuming the app won't make the initial iOS17 launch next week, but I was wondering if there was an idea on when the APIs might be available to start working with?

“Journaling Suggestions API” means the Documented API that enables a display of journaling suggestions.




Fresh from yesterday w/ iOS 17.2 beta 1:

I discovered right away with Xcode 15.1 beta 2 that the framework is missing for simulator so time to upgrade some devices and hope some simulator support gets added.

@SwiftNativeDeveloper thank you! I noticed the API mentioned in the release notes, but couldn't find anything in Xcode.. but I had the run destination set to the simulator.. it didn't occur to me it might be device only at this point. interesting!

I have downloaded Xcode 15.1 beta3 but could not find JournalingSuggestion classes it is not getting imported, Could you please let me know if i need to do anything extra ?

Journaling Suggestions API ETA?