AR 3D object tracking using LIDAR.

Hi there, i have recently started development in swift Ui. I wanted to ask whether it is possible to design an AR app which generates and tracks a 3d model or .scn based on a real world 3d model if .usdz format is used. for example i want to generate and track the movement of an aeroplane in AR and i have .scn file but i want a real world object as an anchor like a pen or pencil and i want to use its 3d data in .usdz format. i know you can use ARobjects abnd object tracking but it uses .arobject format and doesnot use LiDAR. important thing is that i want to use Lidar tracking not point cloud. is it possible? point me in right direction Thank you.

I am using xcode 15 & ios 17 beta

We are shipping object tracking in visionOS 2.0. To get an overview, I'd recommend you to watch the Explore object tracking for visionOS video .

And here is a developer sample application for object tracking:

AR 3D object tracking using LIDAR.