SwiftData Many to One Cascade Delete not working as I expect in Xcode15 Beta 7 & 8

This approach worked in Beta 5, but does not work in Betas 7 & 8. (I skipped Beta 6, so I don't know if it worked then). I'm not sure if it's a SwiftData bug or a mistake on my part since the API has changed since the WWDC video. (I opened Apple Feedback: FB13120831)

I am trying to implement a cascade delete on a many to one relationship. See the two models below. When I deleted the Recipe Model object, I expect that any of the FoodMenus that have that recipe will also be deleted. But they are not. The Recipe is deleted and the FoodMenu is still there.

When I put a deleteRule: .cascade on the FoodMenu.recipe, the cascade does work. The Menu and the Associated recipe are both deleted. But that's not the behavior I want.

final class Recipe {    
    var name: String
    var id: UUID
@Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \FoodMenu.recipe)
    var menus: [FoodMenu]?
    init(name: String, id: UUID, menus: [FoodMenu]? = []) {
        self.name = name
        self.id = id
        self.menus = menus

final class FoodMenu {    
    var name: String
    var id: UUID

    var recipe: Recipe? = nil

    //I believe the below definition should be the same behavior as above and it works as expected. relationship is nullified when the FoodMenu is deleted. Recipe left in place. 
//    @Relationship (deleteRule: .nullify, inverse: \Recipe.menus) 
//     var recipe: Recipe? = nil
    init(name: String, id: UUID) {
        self.name = name
        self.id = id

Try to delete var recipe: Recipe? = nil and inverse: \FoodMenu.recipe, it should be fixed. Unlike CoreData, SwiftData simplifies the declarations. Just need to add var menus: [FoodMenu]? with @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade).

SwiftData Many to One Cascade Delete not working as I expect in Xcode15 Beta 7 & 8