I am attempting to place images in wall anchors and be able to move their position using drag gestures. This seem pretty straightforward if the wall anchor is facing you when you start the app. But, if you place an image on a wall anchor to the left or the wall behind the original position then the logic stops working properly. The problem seems to be the anchor and the drag.location3D orientations don't coincide once you are dealing with wall anchors that are not facing the original user position (Using Xcode Beta 8)
How do I apply dragging gestures to an image regardless where the wall anchor is located at in relation to the user original facing direction?
Using the following code:
var dragGesture: some Gesture {
DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.onChanged { value in
let entity = value.entity
let convertedPos = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .local, to: entity.parent!) * 0.1
entity.position = SIMD3<Float>(x: convertedPos.x, y: 0, z: convertedPos.y * (-1))
Please file a feedback on this to increase pressure to get it added. I've done so on an adjacent issue related to non-"world targeting" entities.
The lack of the PlaneDetectionProvider and SceneReconstructionProvider support in the simulator is felt more and more as we run into these issues.