AppClipCodeGenerator - unable to create with parameters

Using this command line incantation:

AppClipCodeGenerator generate -u -i 9 -o ~/Desktop/appClip.svg

everything works as expected. However, using this one:

AppClipCodeGenerator generate -u -i 9 -o ~/Desktop/appClip.svg

ie, just trying to pass in 1 parameter via "?p=1", it fails with

no matches found:

In my case, clip is a Servlet which expects the parameter named p.

Any ideas?

Further elaboration - my use case is that I want each app clip code to differ from the others just by the integer value of the ’u’ parameter. I’m wanting to use the command line tool to generate the AppClip .svg files, and then distribute these to each individual who I’ve identified as a marketing partner. Is this possible?

Is Shell Zsh? If so, you need to enclose the URL in double quotes.

AppClipCodeGenerator - unable to create with parameters