How to convert `DragGesture().onEnded`'s velocity CGSize to the SIMD3<Float> required in `PhysicsMotionComponent(linearVelocity, angularVelocity)`?

So if I drag an entity in RealityView I have to disable the PhysicsBodyComponent to make sure nothing fights dragging the entity around. This makes sense.

When I finish a drag, this closure gets executed:

    .onChanged { e in
      // ...
    .onEnded { e in
      let velocity: CGSize = e.gestureValue.velocity

If I now re-add PhysicsBodyComponent to the component I just dragged, and I make it mode: .dynamic it will loose all velocity and drop straight down through gravity.

Instead the solution is to apply mode: .kinematic and also apply a PhysicsMotionComponent component to the entity. This should retain velocity after letting go of the object.

However, I need to instatiate it with PhysicsMotionComponent(linearVelocity: SIMD3<Float>, angularVelocity: SIMD3<Float>).

How can I calculate the linearVelocity and angularVelocity when the e.gestureValue.velocity I get is just a CGSize?

Is there another prop of gestureValue I should be looking at?

@mesqueeb I have a similar problem.

Did you find a way to do it?

How to convert `DragGesture().onEnded`'s velocity CGSize to the SIMD3&lt;Float&gt; required in `PhysicsMotionComponent(linearVelocity, angularVelocity)`?