How to upload default-data to the public CloudKit database

I need some help understanding how the public database works in CloudKit. First of all, let me say that I know how to connect and use the private database. In this question I'm not looking for an answer on how to connect to the database at self, only the concept. Here is my confusion. I have a set of images that all users in my app will be using, right now what I'm doing is adding the images directly to the app (an Image Set in Xcode) and then I am pulling them to Core Data and then syncing them to CloudKit. As you can see all images are technically stored in every device using my app and in Core Data/CloudKit, not very efficient. What I would like is to have the images stored in a single place where all uses can pull the images from, in this case CloudKit. I know I can have them somewhere in a private server, but I feel like I would be adding more complexity to my app, so I think using CloudKit is a better option for me. Here is my question.

How do I get the images to CloudKit, do I upload them directly to CloudKit and then read from all devices or do I need to first add them to a device and upload to CloudKit from there?


Not sure why I keep posting in this forum. It's useless.

basically, yes, you need to upload the records to the public database once, such that subsequent devices can read them. Whether you do that thru the CloudKit console, or you write code in an app to upload/save is up to you.

How to upload default-data to the public CloudKit database