Sudden Termination of Apple Developer Account - Seeking Community Advice

Hello, everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I'm facing an unfortunate issue with my Apple Developer Program membership that was suddenly terminated. I received a generic email from Apple, stating that my membership was revoked, but no specific reason was provided for this action.

I appealed the decision, offering all possible explanations and commitments to adhere to guidelines, only to be met with a reply stating that the decision is "final" and no subsequent appeals will be processed.

Has anyone here faced a similar situation? Are there any steps that can be taken to understand the reason for termination when Apple doesn't disclose it? Is there a way to open a dialogue with Apple, even when they've stated that their decision is final? Would publicizing this issue through social media or blogs be advisable? This is a particularly trying time for us, as we are recovering from a recent earthquake and our app is our sole source of income.

Any insights, advice, or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

We don't violate any apple's policies... any information would be welcome.

Best regards,

Over the years there have been quite a lot of posts here like yours. Few of the posters return to describe the final outcome. I do wonder what that means. Maybe they got reinstated and were too lazy to come back and tell us. Or maybe their forum accounts got terminated too.

Probably the most important lesson is to not have a single source of income. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

One bit of advice from my own career: if a friend invites you to a party full of people you don't know, don't waste your time trying to chat up his sister. Seek out the other bored-looking men and express an interest in their boring jobs. Yes I'm talking about accountants and lawyers. Get their business cards. Then when someone tries to sue you for infringement, or Apple terminates your membership without warning, you can find the card of some really smart professional who can give you great advice - for free over a beer.

thank you so much, this time I will update the post. :)

Hello 618Media,

I'm really sorry to hear about the difficulties you and your team are facing with Apple's abrupt termination of your Developer Program membership. I find it really concerning that Apple can wield such power without offering a clear reason, especially when developers have invested so much time, effort, and resources into their apps.

You are not alone in this struggle; I came across another post on this forum where a corporation had invested over a million dollars in their app development, only to find their membership revoked without explanation. You can read more about their ordeal here.

It's particularly disheartening that small businesses and even larger corporations can lose their livelihoods and investments overnight due to vague terms and conditions. It seems to me that a more transparent process and human customer service should be the bare minimum in dealing with such life-altering decisions.

I hope you find a way to resolve this issue, and please keep us updated. Cases like these should not go unnoticed.

Best wishes,

Thank you so much guys, I have found a news in the 9to5mac, please search it with "Apple’s treatment of small games developer makes a textbook antitrust case"

We have file an court case in Turkey, also seeking further actions in USA, lets see.

Hi! Did you get any news from your case? I'm running through a similar situation.

Sudden Termination of Apple Developer Account - Seeking Community Advice