How generate activationData for In-App Verification?

The Getting Started with Apple Pay documentation states that we should use this method to activate passes with In-App Verification.

The main param is the activationData, which is generated by PNOs. The issue is that to generate the activationData, a nonce is required.

How can we get the nonce on the In-App Verification context?

The only way mentioned in the documentation to get the nonce is through PKAddPaymentPassViewControllerDelegate.

But the PKAddPaymentPassViewController should be use only to In-App Provisioning, should not?

The Getting Started with Apple Pay In-App Provisioning_ Verification_ and Security v4 lists 2 methods to implement In-App Verification: Method A: Cryptographic OTP (recommended by Apple) Method B: Server-Initiated Activation

In the end, Method A is not supported by Visa (which requires a nonce, as explained above).

So the solution is implement Method B.

How generate activationData for In-App Verification?