What Subscription Information Can App Owners Extract from App Store?

Hello fellow developers,

I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently working on a project for a client who has a subscription-based mobile app. We're trying to understand what kind of information related to subscriptions can be extracted from the App Store by the app owner.

Ideal Scenario In an ideal world, we'd like to be able to extract the following information:

Transaction ID Subscription Value Subscription Type (e.g., monthly, yearly, etc.) Subscription Date User Email

Importance of User-Level Data It's crucial for us to obtain this data at the user level, as we aim to link each subscription to the user's previous activities within the app. This will help us in offering a more personalized and seamless experience for our users.

Questions Is it possible to extract all of this information directly from the App Store? If not, what are the limitations? Are there any workarounds? Are there any APIs or tools provided by Apple that can help in this regard? Are there any privacy concerns we should be aware of when collecting this data? We're aiming to streamline our backend processes and offer a more personalized experience for our users, so any guidance on this would be extremely helpful.

Thank you in advance for your time and expertise!

Best regards, Pawelanczik

RE: customer info The App Store does not provide any customers PII to 3rd party developers when purchasing apps or in-app purchases. If your app requires any data from customers it can be requested directly from the customers. Be sure to review the App Review guidelines and update your apps privacy details in App Store Connect to ensure your apps usage and policies with customer data is clear and compliant with all regulations, App Store guidelines, etc.

Many apps require app accounts in order to agree to terms and conditions or to access the service off-platform. You may want to check out Sign-in with Apple and see if that meets you and your customers needs.

RE: transaction data When a customer completes a transaction, StoreKit provides the transaction details enabling your app and servers to grant and revoke access/services/features as needed. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit

What Subscription Information Can App Owners Extract from App Store?